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4 Tips for Saving Water in Your Home

Loading a dishwasher

Saving water can mean saving big bucks on your water bill. But you don’t have to get plumbing repairs for your Fort Mill, SC area home in order to cut back on your water consumption. Here are four tips from the plumbing contractors at Carter Quality Plumbing that will help you save water without spending a dime.

  1. Take more showers – There’s nothing like soaking in a nice bath after a long day at work. But showers are great for relaxation, too. Showers actually end up using less water than if you take a bath.
  2. Use your dishwasher – A dishwasher has a set amount of water it uses to clean your dishes. Compare this to the water you use to fill up the sink and rinse dishes when you wash them by hand.
  3. Don’t leave the water running – You’d be surprised at how much water is wasted during simple tasks, like brushing our teeth. Turn the sink on when you absolutely need the water, then immediately shut it off.
  4. Recycle your water for plants – Plants love and thrive on water, but it doesn’t mean they have to have water directly from the tap. Use leftover water from other household tasks to water your plants.
  5. Update old toilets Older toilets use significantly more water per flush than new low-flow models. Replacing your toilet can help you save water with each flush, which is great for both the planet and your wallet. 

Of course, a huge spike in your water consumption could be the sign of serious trouble, like a leak in your home. To be sure, call the experienced plumbing contractors at Carter Quality Plumbing for complete plumbing repairs in Fort Mill, Tega Cay, Indian Land, and surrounding areas of the Carolinas.

Carter Quality Plumbing provides plumbing and septic services for Lancaster, Rock Hill, Fort Mill, and surrounding areas of North Carolina and South Carolina. Contact us for more information!

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